Myth UO Wiki

Created as the opposite equal to Amil - Tsern sits on a throne of quills and spikes. She lives only to see her followers rise and those that oppose her melt. She breeds anger, war, and passion. She has many names but in the beginning her true name was given - Tsern.

Those that live to serve her are swayed by the fortune and fame she brings. Those that want power look to her to help take it. This goddess almost always brings war, violence, and chaos.

However, one more trait lies with this deity which is strange but all too true. Within Tsern lies passion and with passion comes love. Those that follow her are known to be quite passionate; for the ones that want love would die to protect it.

It is because of this that this goddess seems to have a vast difference in followers. From war-loving Orks to the passionate songs of Bards, Tsern can be either much misunderstood or vastly loved. She is a wild card with two sides.


Tsern is truly a Queen, always shown with a crown. The sharper and more menacing the better. Her Red title often translates to artist depictions with red hair, as it represents both the passion of lovers and the blood of those who stand against Her. What race she is painted as depends on the artist, but a human appearance is popular as the short-lived race is seen as living the most "in the moment" as any other - an aspect that feels very much like a way of Tsern.


A richly curtained and decorated room in reds and golds. Appears to be a bath house.

A place of worship for Tsern in Blacksands.

Place of Worship

A fairly informal place of worship is not uncommon for Tsern, although a statue of her likeness is known to appease her. A place of worship may be a place to clear your mind and focus your goals, or a place to get in touch with your passions.


Those with ambitions or strong passions are ideal followers of Tsern. While not a traditional religious structure, there are still plenty who will sing the praises of their Red Queen. They may have flexible views or morals and may rationalize that the ends justify the means if it creates an ideal outcome.


The Cursed Knights of Tsern
